When is it Time to Replace Your Toilet?
October 10, 2016 / Mansfield

We’re right in the middle of National Kitchen and Bath Month and National Toilet Tank Repair Month … so it’s a good time to consider the question of when should you replace your toilet?

The answer is easy if you have a cracked toilet bowl or your toilet has simply stopped functioning. But if you’re simply starting to wonder if it’s time to replace an older toilet, here are some tell-tale signs that your aging toilet needs to be replaced:

Sign #1Ongoing leaking problems. Hairline cracks in a tank or bowl, bad seals or broken flanges can all potentially cause leaking problems. This is an important issue, because if your floor becomes soft from water leaks it can attract mildew, rot or create structural damage.

   Sign #2Your water bills keep growing. If you have an older toilet, you may be using up to 6 gallons of water per flush. Newer, more water-efficient models are available that use just 1.6, 1.28 or even 1 gallon per flush.mansfield-pic-denali-eye-level

Sign #3Increase in clogging. Sure, most toilets may clog up once in awhile if large amounts of waste are deposited. However, if you find the plunger is your new best friend and you’re using it often, then it’s time to get a more powerful toilet — like the DENALITM Power Flush toilet — that can move 1,200 grams of waste (20% greater than the highest MaP rating) with just 1.6 gallons per flush.

Sign #4Wobbly or rocking toilet. Your toilet should be firmly secured to the floor and not sway or move when you sit on it or get off of it. While a wobbly toilet could simply mean some bolts need adjusting, it can also be an indicator that the lifespan of your toilet has come to an end.

Sign #5Fix versus replace. If you have a plumber give you a quote for fixing your toilet that appears high, ask what the cost of a replacement toilet would be. Oftentimes it’s less expensive to replace an older toilet than have it fixed. The bonus is that a new toilet will most likely come with upgrades you don’t currently have — such as being more water efficient, sitting higher for comfort and/or having stronger flushing capabilities.